Tri City Little League


Updated October 2022 / Effective Spring 2023 Season 


Tri City Little League is an organization that is 100% run by volunteers and thrives off the involvement of its families. In an effort to continue providing affordable, memorable experiences for the children of our community, we have adopted a policy asking families to participate and contribute to our 400+players. There are a variety of opportunities where your time is beneficial and appreciated & we cannot have a successful season without you!


Tri City Little League requires each family to commit a minimum of 10 hours during the Spring season along with providing a $150 deposit at the time of tryouts. Checks will be held until the completion of the required 10 hours, at which time they can be returned to the family or shredded by the league. Each family will be responsible for tracking / logging their required hours throughout the season. Families can opt-out of the policy by paying a $150 add-on at the time of registration. While we would much rather have your time, we understand that not everyone is able to commit add’l hours at the fields.

  • Board Members and Managers* are not required to submit a deposit 

    • *Managers MUST complete an application to volunteer, be interviewed AND approved, & pass a background check prior to tryouts to be exempt

    • Coaches & Team Parents MUST turn in a check at the time of tryouts; checks will be returned AFTER rosters have been completed and team volunteer positions are established

  • ONE $150 check per family (regardless of number of players) to be submitted at tryouts

  • Checks to be made payable to Tri City Little League with player(s) name in the memo line

  • A check must be submitted for the player to receive their uniform

  • Monthly check give backs will be offered to families that have completed their hours

  • Any unfulfilled requirements will result in checks being cashed at the conclusion of the season; final regular season games are in May and a final deadline will be communicated

  • There will be no refunds for any checks cashed due to hours not being logged prior to communicated deadline

  • Any returned checks or incurred banking fees will result in an invoice mailed home


  • Manager (1 per team)

  • Coach (3 per Tball / Farm / Minor A / Minor AA team - 2 per Minor AAA / Majors / 50-70 / Junior team)

  • Team Parent (1 per team)

  • Team Scorekeeper & Team Pitch Counter (AA / AAA / Majors / Junior Divisions)

  • Field Prep & Cleanup for practices and games

  • Practice & Game Assistance

  • Field Improvement / Maintenance Days (dates will come via Team Sideline league communications)

  • Apparel Booth (scheduled on a first come first serve basis, will be sent out by our apparel coordinator)

  • Tournaments 

  • Umpire (only for parent/adult umpires; not applicable to paid Junior Umpires) (please reach out to our Umpire in Chief for details if interested) 

  • Snack Bar (food handlers permit required)

If you have any questions, please email us at