TCLL All Star Overview 

At the end of each Spring season, Tri City Little League will create five All Star teams based on the ages listed below. Each team will have 12-14 players. Players selected to the All Star teams will be announced TBD. Teams will begin playing during the early summer. The Intermediate (50/70) District 11 Tournament is tentatively scheduled for TBD. The other District 11 tournaments are tentatively scheduled for approximately TBD.

All Star Team 1 ("10's") = league-age 8-10
All Star Team 2 ("11's") = league-age 9-11
All Star Team 3 ("Little League") = league-age 10-12
All Star Team 4 ("50-70") = league-age 13
All Star Team 5 ("Juniors" ) = league-age 13 -14

The level of play at the All Star level is competitive. All Star season is a significant time commitment, and the expectation is that players will be available for all practices and games. Some managers ask that players limit certain activities (such as swimming) on practice and game days.  

Depending on the success of the team, travel may be involved. Any expenses related to this are the responsibility of the family. An additional $25 Snack Bar fee is collected for all All Star players, which is used to run the snack bar during any tournaments that Tri City is hosting that particular year. (It may not be the tournament in which your child is participating.) The purchase of the player's All Star uniform is also the responsibility of the family. All Star families will be required to volunteer during the post season (scorekeeping, field prep, snack bar prep); again, this may not be the tournament in which your child is participating.

Player Selection Process

For a player to be considered for one of the following teams, the parent/guardian must first complete the All Star Interest Form. Forms are due by TBD. If the TCLL web admin has released the form, it will appear under the Postseason menu bar and at the bottom of the homepage under the Forms section.

10's (league-age 8-10) - Top 10 players selected by the Managers from the Minor AAA and Major divisions. The remaining players are selected by the All Star Manager.

11's (league-age 9-11)- Top 10 players are selected by the Manager and Coach from each of the Major division teams. The remaining players are selected by the All Star Manager.

Little League (league-age 10-12) - Top 5 players are voted by players within the Major division. The next 5 players are selected by all Major managers.  The remaining players are selected by the All Star Manager.

50-70 (league-age 13) - Top 5 players are voted by players within the 50-70 division. The next 5 players are selected by the 50-70 managers.  The remaining players are selected by the All Star Manager.

Juniors (league age 13-14) Top 5 players are voted by players within the Junior division. The next 5 players are selected by the Junior's managers. The remaining players are selected by the All Star Manager.

Managers / Coaches Selection Process

Manager - Any candidates wanting to be a considered as an All Star manager must complete the following:

  • Applications due by TBD: Apply for manager position by submitting an application. Application is available under the Postseason menu bar and in the Forms section at the bottom of our homepage.
  • May TBD: Applicants will be interviewed by the Board of Directors.
  • TCLL Board of Directors will vote and select the All Star manager for each All Star team based on the application and presentation. Candidates will be selected based on their ability to effectively manage their respective teams, as well as their capacity to represent Tri City Little League throughout the tournament.

Assistant Coaches - After player selection, assistant coaches will be selected by the All Star Manager with a maximum of 2 assistant coaches per team. All assistant coaches must be approved by the TCLL Board of Directors.